There’s no such thing as food police

I often post on my socials or feature in the media saying things like “there is no need to cut out whole food groups for healthy eating”. Even if people have special dietary needs this rarely means entire food groups need to be cut out - although for some genetic conditions and allergies this might be the case. But for most of us, variety is more healthful (and joyful) than extreme exclusions.

But whenever I say this, I get extreme diet followers responding with “How dare you tell me to eat that!” or “how dare you disrespect my diet!”. I even get these kinds of responses when I post photos of me just existing wearing a fruit print dress - but me saying extreme diets aren’t necessary is not be instructing these people not to make their own food choices, we all have autonomy over what goes into our bodies. I am not the food police, and the only time your dietary preferences matter to me is if I am responsible for feeding you.

But what I do object to regarding extreme and exclusive diets is when people push those diets on others and tout them as cure-alls. I push back against extreme diets being marketed as a necessity and being used as a tool, or even a weapon of diet culture. I fight against hype and misinformation, I don’t protest against any individuals right to chose a particular diet. Food police is not a real job, and even if it was I wouldn’t choose it.


How do you brew?